3-level Automatic Reception with Voice Guidance:
- Reduces Operator Call Traffic
- Multi Level Messages
The KX-TES824 supports a Direct Inward System Access (DISA) function that allows outside callers to access any extension without going through an operator. Automatic greeting messages (3-levels) can be recorded by the operator or manager, directing the caller to an appropriate department or destination. For example: “Welcome to My Company. To speak to the Sales Dept please press 1, to speak to the Service Dept press 2, to speak to the operator press 3” (Level1). Then additional options can be added after each option, for example, “To check on deliveries, press 1, for credit card orders press 2, (Level 2). Customers can be given options on 3 different levels. Callers can also dial the desired destination not only to an extension, but also to a group of extensions, or even outside lines. The DISA feature can drastically reduce the amount of call traffic handled by the operator – allowing the operator to spend more time with new or important customers. The system is smart enough to even detect an incoming fax transmission – routing the call automatically to a designated fax machine. This allows you to be able to receive faxes day or night without a need for someone to transfer the call, and removes any need for purchasing a special fax phone line.
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