
+20 22 192 7338

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  1. Please note that our products are sealed before getting shipped to our valued customers and cannot be opened to be checked unless the payment is processed by our third party shipment service provider. It is not possible for the customer to open, reject and send orders back with the same driver. This can only be done before opening the package. The package must be paid for and received first and then if there are any issues the normal return process will be carried out by contacting the Customer Service.
  2. For security reasons, orders can only be processed to private addresses (example: home or work address). Please note that we are unable to process any orders to public places (streets, café…)
  3. You can choose to pay cash or by credit card (if applicable) upon delivery, please note that in case of returns the refunded amount will be paid in the same way.
  4. After successfully placing your order, our customer service team will conduct a verification process and update you as soon as possible by call/SMS. After successful verification (time frame: within 24 – 72 hours after ordered date), you can expect to receive your order within the given time frame by our customer service representative (usually 3 to 5 business days, unless mentioned otherwise).

Thank you for shopping ITEGY llc, your satisfaction is our goal. Should you have any issues with the above, please contact us here:

contact us: 

+20 22 192 7337

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